The Nonprofit’s (501c3) Key Milestones & Accomplishments
2009 Achievements
- April: Formed an all-volunteer GGP Project Committee of seven persons established to promote, seek funding for and develop the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership project and manage the affairs of the project.
- Set up initial fiscal sponsorship relationship with the Southwest Land Alliance.
- April: Ribbon cutting ceremony with Senator Michael Bennett (Colorado) giving a press conference and endorsement of the project.
- December: Signed an agreement with the Town of Pagosa Springs for a 10 year lease on 1.83 acres of land to be used for developing the GGP. ($10 / year)
- December: Signed an agreement with the town of Pagosa Springs for 100 gallons per minute (gpm) of geothermal water rights. ($10/ year)
2010 Achievements
- Received letters of support and/or visits from U.S. Senator Udall (Colorado), Senator Whitehead (Colorado District 6, 2009-2010), Senator Roberts (Colorado District 6, 2010-) Representative Tipton (Colorado District 3, 2010) and Colorado Governor Hickenlooper.
- September: Arranged for a visit to Pagosa Springs by John Lund of the National Renewable Energy Labs of Golden, Colorado and Gerry Huttrer, Geothermal Geologist and Principle of Geothermal Management Company, Inc. of Frisco, Colorado; Their purpose: a first look at the Pagosa Springs geothermal resource; Lund and Huttrer produced a report in which the authors hypothesized that the resource is much larger than generally recognized and could support further development.
- The GGP was instrumental in promoting the creation of a community-based organization interested in the development of the Pagosa Springs geothermal resource. Results: formation of the Pagosa Geothermal Advisory group consisting of major stakeholders and community members.
2011 Achievements
- May: Community presentation on progress of the GGP project.
- July: Instrumental in the promotion of A Work Plan to scientifically substantiate the extent of the Pagosa Springs Geothermal resource. Results: agreement by Pagosa Town Council, the Archuleta Board of County Commissioners, the Pagosa Springs Community Development Corporation, the Pagosa Geothermal Advisory groups and the GGP to fund the study.
- July: Through private contributions raised the public portion of the cost for the Work Plan.
- October 6: Host to the Governor’s Geothermal Working Group Conference; walking tour of geothermal sites in the morning and presentations in the afternoon: Emerging Geothermal Opportunities in Archuleta County & Colorado, Jerry Smith, Pagosa Verde; Pagosa Springs Work Plan for Direct Use Geothermal Analysis, Gerry Huttrer, Geothermal Management Co., Inc. Regional Geothermal Aquifer Testing & Environmental Considerations, Dr. Eric Klingel, Terranear PMC & Just Hot Resources; Geothermal Exploration, Processes & Partnerships, Jim Hanson, Just Hot Resources; and Binary Power Generation Technology, Halley Dickey, Turbine Air Systems.
2012 Achievements
- February: Received a $25,000 grant from the Laura Jane Musser Foundation to complete the engineering design plans.
- May: Hosted first Colorado School of Mines field camp to study the extent of the geothermal aquifer.
- June 30: First Annual Geothermal Partnership Celebration and Fundraiser at the Community Center.
- October: Received Non-Profit exempt status from the IRS. As an independent 501(c)(3) organization dissolved fiscal sponsorship relationship with the Southwest Land Alliance.
2013 Achievements
- Selected by the Colorado Environmental Film Festival as one of four Colorado sites to host a mini-festival using their award winning films for our own fundraising purposes.
- May: hosted second Colorado School of Mines field camp to research geothermal resources.
- July: hosted 1st GGP Environmental Film Festival.
- The GGP Signed a Professional Services Agreement with Davis Engineering for completion of Design Engineering Plans. Plans to be completed by April 2014.
- Town of Pagosa Springs donated $25K to the GGP to serve as matching funds for future grants.
2014 Achievements
- March: $25K received for water infrastructure from the San Juan Basin Water Roundtable and $50K from Colorado Water Conservation Board.
- May: hosted third Colorado School of Mines field camp to measure geothermal resource.
- May: Gov. John Hickenlooper signed renewable energy bonding bill HB-1222 in a ceremony on the GGP site in Centennial Park.
- May: The GGP project was named at Senator Udall’s Energy Summit in Golden.
- August: GGP co-sponsored four Greenhouse Gardening Workshops organized by CSU Extension.
- August: Consulted on GGP site with Colorado Department of Agriculture representative.
- August: GGP co-sponsored the third Pagosa Verde Symposium.
- September: Hosted second Colorado Environmental Film Festival Caravan in collaboration with the USFS San Juan Ranger District to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the America’s Wilderness Act.
- September: Unanimous endorsement by Pagosa Springs Parks and Recreation Commission for ToPS to submit a DoLA Energy Impact Assistance grant application in partnership with the GGP.
- October: Town of Pagosa Springs Town Council voted to apply for Energy Impact Funds from Colorado Department of Local Affairs
2015 Achievements
- March: Town of Pagosa Springs and Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership granted $275,000 from CO DoLA to prepare the San Juan River site for greenhouse construction
- Board members and volunteers move the project forward through three focused and strategic committees to accomplish the following tasks:
- Fundraising – promotional events, programming, sponsorships, and grant writing
- Site – engineering, construction, landscaping, interior & exterior
- Operations – management, outreach, education, marketing
- Special Events – production of Colorado Environmental Film Festival Caravan, publicity, coordinates with Fundraising for community attractions, membership gala
2016 Achievements
- GGP, in partnership with the Town of Pagosa Springs, prepared the site in Centennial Park for construction of 3 dome greenhouses, raising the ground above San Juan River flood plain.
- Concrete walkways were poured, including an enhanced San Juan River Walk. GGP’s Amphitheater was constructed. The foundation and stem wall for the Education Dome were poured. Water infrastructure (geothermal, irrigation and potable) was installed for all 3 greenhouse locations.
- GGP produced its 4th Environmental Film Festival, 1st San Juan Sounds Concert, 1st 19th Hole Concert with the Community Foundation, and its 1st Colorfest Breakfast with Balloons.
- Operations and planning continue through strategic committees reporting to the Board of Directors.
2017 Achievements
- GGP’s Education Dome is constructed. Interior beds are filled with soil thanks to help from Archuleta School District students.
- GGP volunteers amend the soil and begin planting. First school classes visit the Ed Dome.
- GGP produces its 5th Environmental Film Festival, 5 Lifelong Learning Workshops, and its 2nd Breakfast with Balloons.
- GGP receives matching funding from Colorado Garden Foundation for greenhouse #2, the Community Garden Dome.
2018 Achievements
- GGP receives funding from the Colorado Water Plan (CWCB) to complete the Community Garden and Innovation Domes. Construction details occupied the volunteer Board of Directors time.
- Volunteers educated over 300 school students in the Education Dome. GGP hosted Colorado School of Mines, University of New Mexico Climate Change Consortium, Kyushu University from Japan, and Ironwood Tree Experience from Arizona in educational activities and geothermal Pagosa tours.
- Volunteers planned operations of the Community Garden Dome.
- GGP produced Pagosa’s 6th Environmental Film Festival and its 3rd Breakfast with Balloons.
- Collaborations with southwest Colorado nonprofits were strengthened as GGP moves toward full operations.
2019 – present Achievements