Saturday April 20 Schedule
9:00 am Wristband sales continue all day at $10.
Premiere wristband guests admitted all day.
Empty seats will be filled.
Day will include CEFF promos and GGP intros.
10:00 am A Reason for Hope
10:05 am Documerica
11:10 am Paddle Tribal Waters (Klamath Youth)
11:20 am True Survivors
Noonish RITUAL Food Truck is out back. Yum! Thank you, Sarah!
1:00 pm Flyways: The Untold Journey of Migratory Shorebirds
2:40 pm A Reason for Hope
2:45 pm Native Suns: Sacred Souls (Lakota)
3:05 pm Dark Sacred Night
3:25 pm Documerica
4:40 pm Paddle Tribal Waters (Klamath Youth)
4:50 pm True Survivors
6:00 pm Requiem for a River (New Mexico)
7:00 pm Covenant of the Salmon People (Nez Pearce)
Thank you to The Tennyson Event Center and all Sponsors of the Geothermal Greenhous Partnership’s 2024 special events